The Key to Responding Quickly and Easily to FOIA Requests

Responding to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests can be a cumbersome and time consuming process for government agencies. It involves gathering massive amounts of data, redacting or removing sensitive information, and sending the required material to the requestor in a timely manner. For many agencies – especially in today’s budget and resource constrained environment – responding to FOIA requests has become an increasingly challenging process.

When a Storm Comes, Forget the Candles, Backup Your Data!

As hurricane Sandy began pummeling our nation’s capitol last night, and as everyone was busy buying batteries, candles, and water, I was reminded of data backup storage. As a species we’ve been wired to adapt to no electricity or hot water for a good number of days. We’re used to it: It wasn’t until 1891 that the White House was wired, and even then President Benjamin Harrison was too afraid to use the light switches. However, we are not wired to deal without our data. Collecting data and knowing it’s going to be there whenever we boot up our computer, tablet or smart phone – sunshine or rain – is relatively new.