TIC 3.0: Great Work, but Not Zero Trust

DHS recently published version 3.0 of the Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) architecture. A response to changing IT conditions, Executive Orders, and OMB mandates, the new architecture seeks to support IT modernization through cloud adoption while keeping security as a top priority. The comprehensive set of documents includes an overview, a catalog of security capabilities, a reference architecture, guidance for pilot programs, advice for service providers, and a very helpful set of use cases relevant to agency needs.

Moving Target Defense: Beating the Hackers at Their Own Game

The Threat

Risk is a function of likelihood times impact.  When it comes to zero-day exploits, particularly those that use return-oriented programming (ROP) or one of its many cousins the likelihood is high, and the impact is higher.  How do these attacks work, and what is the industry doing to stop them?  More importantly, what can you do to stop them?  Is it possible to stop a zero-day without patching or updating systems?  Let’s explore these questions.

How ROP Works

Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report: Turning Thought to Action

The Cyberspace Solarium Commission recently released a groundbreaking report detailing 75 recommendations for improving the cybersecurity of the nation, including both the private and public sectors. The Commission, bipartisan in both name and spirit, conducted over 300 meetings with industry, academia, U.S. government, think tanks and foreign governments. I had the privilege of participating in this effort. The result is a comprehensive report that urges immediate and concrete action on its recommendations, organized into six pillars”:

Cybersecurity Has a Posse

At RSA this year, Chris Krebs gave an important talk: “Cybersecurity Has a Posse” where he stressed the importance of collaboration between government and industry to fight the cybersecurity war. He started by pointing out that his agency, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is an “all-source” group. He meant that CISA collects threat information from sources all over the world, including government agencies, private industry, and more. Krebs’ group consolidates that information and disseminates it – daily – to security professionals across all industries.

Remote Working in the Time of COVID-19: These Steps Are Key to Cybersecurity

With the designation of the COVID-19 disease as a global pandemic hotly followed by a declaration of a national emergency by President Trump, the American way of life shifted dramatically – with the home office becoming a new reality for millions.

Unfortunately, the rise in the global remote workforce puts more pressure on IT teams, network architectures, and even equipment. But there are also very real cybersecurity challenges to consider.

Introducing GovCybersecurityHub – Your Go-To Resource for Staying Informed

The security of public sector networks is under attack. Each day security and IT professionals work hard to defend the integrity of mission-critical data and systems against increasingly frequent and complex cyberattacks.

Staying informed is critical to staying ahead.

That’s great, but there are literally dozens of cyber news outlets, journals, and bloggers to follow. Security leaders and practitioners don’t have time to filter what’s urgent and relevant to their organizations. That’s why we’ve created GovCybersecurityHub.