The Next Chapter in Federal Cybersecurity

I recently appeared on a panel for Federal Times at their “The Next Chapter in Federal Cybersecurity: Continuous Monitoring & Identity Access for Secure Networks” breakfast event. I was joined by Deborah Gallagher, Director, Identity Assurance & Trusted Access Division, Office of Governmentwide Policy, GSA and Paul Grant, Strategy Advisor for Cybersecurity, Defense Department, Office of the CIO. We didn’t get through all the questions so I thought I’d continue the conversation here.

The Internet of Hackable Things

The market for wearable technology will explode over the next three years, bringing about the age of the Internet of Things and everyday cybersecurity issues like the aforementioned. And thanks to a recent Symantec finding, hackers aren’t waiting for popular adoption before using what’s already on the market to spy. You think BYOD is bad now? Hold tight.