Oracle MySQL Heatwave is a fully managed database service that lets developers quickly develop and deploy secure cloud native applications using the world's most popular open-source database. HeatWave is a new, integrated, high-performance analytics engine for MySQL Database Service. It is the only unified MySQL platform for OLTP and OLAP workloads, enabling developers and database admins to run real-time analytics directly from MySQL databases. HeatWave accelerates queries up to 1100x faster than the competition. View the short overview video to learn more.
Built on the latest MySQL Enterprise Edition, MySQL Heatwave Database Service includes best-in-class enterprise features for the highest levels of MySQL performance, security, and uptime, enabling you to develop, test, and deploy cloud and hybrid applications quickly, efficiently, and at a lower cost. With the new HeatWave integrated analytics engine, your OCI customers can now run sophisticated analytics directly against their operational MySQL databases, eliminating the need for complex ETL processes and expensive data integration with a separate analytics database. MySQL Heatwave dramatically speeds up analytic queries at one-third the cost of AWS Redshift & Aurora.
Increased Performance That Reduces Costs
DBAs and DevOps will love MySQL Heatwave Database Service. Heatwave will allow them to work on interesting projects that benefit the business directly rather than spending most of their time on administration, such as security patches and updates. MySQL Heatwave Database Service does all that automatically.
In addition, with the availability of the new integrated high-performance analytics engine Heatwave Database Service is the only MySQL service that provides customers with a single, unified platform for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytics Processing (OLAP) workloads to build and run modern applications faster and more securely.
Let's connect about Oracle MySQL Database Service with HeatWave, contact us today.
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