If your agency has decided on a BIM process and a technology to support it – how do you know if your BIM process is efficient? Are you getting every benefit available?
Here are some simple checks, recommended by IMAGINiT Technologies, that you can follow to determine whether you’re getting the most out of your investment in BIM:
1. Are your designers asking questions about how your drawings should look or are you seeing inconsistencies in printed drawings? What about the informational content of your models, whether its line styles, family libraries or agency standards? If you are seeing inconsistencies in any of these areas then you may need to focus on developing good design standards.
2. Do you have to export drawings into AutoCAD in order to share them with other team members? Then that’s a sure sign that you have a model sharing problem. These types of unproductive workarounds can lead to sequential development instead of parallel development – one of BIM’s main efficiency benefits. Even worse, by not practicing true model sharing you’ll likely face a lack of coordination and costly errors during the construction stage.
3. Are your file sizes excessively large? This is a potential sign that designers are not using the software properly. They may be incorrectly embedding CAD information or over-modeling objects because limits have not been set on what information they need to include – this can result in poor software performance and reduced productivity.
If you are experiencing any of these three symptoms then you may be headed for an unhealthy BIM diagnosis!
Not sure what to do about it? Well, IMAGINiT recently launched a new “Revit Health Check” service designed to help BIM teams successfully implement a BIM strategy. The service includes an assessment of how teams are using Revit, identifies inefficiencies and proficiency gaps. IMAGINiT experts will also analyze select Revit project files and related documents to uncover issues related to model optimization, collaborative workflows, software performance, information quality, and more. At the end of this investigative period, you’ll receive actionable advice that you can implement immediately, together with lower priority recommendations for future consideration.
For more information, contact the IMAGINiT location nearest to you. You can also contact DLT Solutions, Autodesk’s Master Government Reseller. For more about our Revit Health Check offering, visit imaginit.com/RevitHealthCheck or watch this brief video overview.